Question About St Dalfour Whitening Cream
Dear Ms. Boleche,
I want to ask a few questions regarding the St. Dalfour Gold Seal Beauty Whitening Cream Non-Oily Filipina. I have tried many skin whitening products but I did not work quiet well with my south-east asian dark skin, so i just want to make sure if this product can really work for me. Here are my questions:
1. Does the product lighten/whitened skin (significantly change skin color) or only brighten/even out complexion?
2. I read that this product is not supposed to be used with other strong-derma products, though I was wondering if facial cleanser that contains 10% of benzoyl peroxide, such as Clean and Clear Acne Cleanser, can be used since it is only for washing face?
3. Does the product contain sunscreen as well? If not, do I need to use sunscreen and is it okay to use other brand/type?
4. If I stopped using this product will my skin color, if changed, go back to its original color, or even darker?
Thank you, I would very much appreciate your response.
Dewa S.
Hi Dewa
hi, i just want to ask if this st.dalfour whitening cream red m contains mercury. I googled this product and a few responses was it is harmful to you because it contains this true.. thanks
Hi Joy, Great question! There have been Chinese made creams that are counterfeit St Dalfour. We only sell authentic St Dalfour beauty products and they are completely mercury free. Thanks!
Angelica Gill
I have ultra sensitive skin and I'm trying to find which whitening soap to use for armpits and dark area ? Plz email at [email protected] thanks
Hi, I'm looking for the cream or soap that can my armpit will lighten it because it little bit dark ..what can you recomend to me ...thanks
Hi Naneth :) You should combine a soap and a cream/lotion for the best results. I would suggest the Kojic Acid & Glutathione Dual Whitening/Bleaching Soap and if you are mainly concerned with your underarms you can try one of the St Dalfour creams. Please feel free to call me if you have more questions, thanks! Suzzy
hello! I am interested in getting the St. Dalfour Whitening cream non oily filipina, and the St. Dalfour whitening soap gold. But, for the cream, it says it is recommended to use with the soap only once a week. I am not sure which of the two products should I use only once a week? Is it the soap or the cream? If I were to use the cream on my face, is it okay if I put a suncreen (another brand) before I apply the cream? And, which of the whitening products have you personally used, and which one
Hi Maria You can use the soap and cream together daily, I am not sure where you saw that about once a week. It may be that I didn't write the description clearly. Most people use the soap morning and evening using the cream after the evening cleansing. Sunscreen in the morning cream in the evening :) I try all our brands and love them all really, but there are some differences, call me if you want, 917-733-8564
Hello Suzzy! Here's the description for the St. Dalfour Whitening cream filipina. -Use in combination with St. Dalfour soap once a week for best results. Does it mean that I can only use both the soap and the cream only once a week? Can I use the soap and the cream everybody just don't combine them? I am a bit confuse. I want to make before I place an order. Also, are these products really effective? Thanks!
It should say use once a week for maintenance(after you have reached your desired result), sorry I need to fix that! You can use the soap and cream together. You will definitely see good results but there is a limit of how much whitening can be achieved, it varies from person to person. Thanks! Suzzy
thanks for answering my queries. I am planning to order three products from your website, and I am wondering if you can give me any coupon code or discount for the products I will be ordering. I am planning to get the st. dalfour soap gold, lotion, and the cream. thanks!
my pleasure, thanks for the great questions. You can use code "myfriends" it is for my friends and family but now we are friends too :) Take care! Suzzy
Can the st.dalfour whitening soap clear my face
Hi Nataunia, please tell me more about your skin or send me a picture. You can e-mail your picture to [email protected] or call me at 917-653-3856. The St Dalfour Glutathione Soap is great for med/oily skin and will whiten dark spots/dark areas. You can combine it with an Arbutin or Placenta whitening cream for more total whitening. Thanks! Suzzy
I heared that st.dalfour is banned by FDA-USA. And I saw the reports too.But I wanna continue the product. Pls healp Thanks
I heared that st.dalfour is banned by FDA-USA. And I saw the reports too.But I wanna continue the product. Pls healp Thanks
Hi Gayani, St. Dalfour is not banned in the US. There was a sample that was tested in Tokyo Japan that contained mercury but that was not the real St Dalfour, it was an imitation product from China. There is an FDA warning for skin whitening products that contain mercury, so it is important to make sure your supplier fests for mercury. Thanks for asking! Suzzy
Hey, I have the St. Dalfour Excel cream and kojic acid soap. I have phytophotodetermitis all over my face. So basically, I used to have the clearest and lightest skin on face. One summer after I got a tan from the beach I put lime all over my face as I found it on yahoo answers it will restore my skin tone. I went out in the sun, possibly with the lime juice all over my face and my whole face got burnt. Mind you this was two years ago,when I was a senior in high school, and I am still strugg
Hey, I have the St. Dalfour Excel cream and kojic acid soap. I have phytophotodetermitis all over my face. So basically, I used to have the clearest and lightest skin on face. One summer after I got a tan from the beach I put lime all over my face as I found it on yahoo answers it will restore my skin tone. I went out in the sun, possibly with the lime juice all over my face and my whole face got burnt. Mind you this was two years ago,when I was a senior in high school, and I am still strugg
My question is what soap will work best with Saint Dalfour Excel cream given the circumstances I am under -photodetermitis
Hi Sam There is no way to know if the damage you sustained is reversible. The products we sell are safe and won't make it worse but may not make it better either. What soaps have you tried and have you seen any benefit from any of them? Suzzy
Sagar Patel
I tried the Kojic Acid and Glautonie soap. I tried it alone for the first two months than ordered st dalfour cream. After a while i just used the saint dalfour cream and the results were amazing. Kojic acid made me red. I just ordered the Goat Milk, Rosehip, Kojic acid soap. Will that be better for my skin because the Kojic acid and gluatione soap made me really red.
Hi, Ive always wanted and love to have a white/flawless glowing skin and im happy that i found this site. I'll get to the point now... I just ordered 4 products from you for the first time and they are, "A Bonne Yogurt Milk Bath Soap, A Bonne Skin Whitening Salt scrub, an Authentic Diana whitening cream, and the SPF 15 Whitening Lotion". I didn't know i can ask question b4 i placed an order but since i already placed the order, I want to ask you, is it okay if i use all 4 products everyday? (For
Just curious why the St.DAlfour whitening has different prices? When all of them have same effect. Is it better to buy the expensive one? thanks
Hi, The price difference is based on the formula, like the Excel has maximum whitening ingredients so it is more expensive. But that is too irritating for some people. You should get the one that matches best to your skin. Tell me your skin type and I will make a suggestion to you. Thanks! Suzzy
thanks for the quick response. I have a fair skin but sensitive.I also have a lot of freckles.
Then you should consider either the Red M Dark Creamy or the Filipina Light Creamy, they are both gentle and effective.
Hi, there are so many types of StDalfour soaps out there. And I have a normal skin. Which types of St Dalfour soap would you recommend to use with the cream? Thank you
Hi, i newly brought st.dalfour whithening cream.i want to know, what way this cream give good result?.i mean, is this a night cream or day cream?
Hi Rose It is best used at night after cleansing and before bed. Thanks Suzzy
My body complexion is wheatish and little fair. I have some dark spot of acne this usually got when i went for cross peeling ,my face got worsen after peeling and now had darks spot on face, will st daflour cream will be able to remove this dark spot and how much time it would take?
My body complexion is wheatish and little fair. I have some dark spot of acne this usually got when i went for cross peeling ,my face got worsen after peeling and now had darks spot on face, will st daflour cream will be able to remove this dark spot and how much time it would take?
Hi Ragin, What you have is not that uncommon, in some people the peeling causes inflammation and that can lead to dark spots. Yes, the St Dalfour should definitely help, but make sure that your skin is not inflamed or irritated before starting it. You should see results in a few weeks. Good luck & call me if you have more questions. Suzzy 917-653-3856
i had a doubt,why ur company is not giving landline num. If any side èffect comes,i can put case on your brand,if yes telme i wil buy diz product by today.. I want ur company add nd landline num. And the product incrident.
Hi Preethi, Thanks for your message. Suzzy
Hi Suzzy... I wanted to buy the St. Dalfour Excel but I have some concerns. I used it twice before when I went to PI on vacation and a friend suggested it. It works great but after like 2 months, I had developed a bad blackheads (on both occassions). I had a bad acne scars and bad black spots (hyper-pigmentation) on my face and I am hoping this would help but I am concern of the bad case of blackheads again. Any suggestions?
Hi Lin, There are different formulas for different skin types, with more or less oil. You should try the steam cream it is good for Asian Skin which has more oil and is less likely to cause comedones(blackheads, etc). You should also consider using it with a Kojic Acid soap, which is whitening & also exfoliating. That should leave you black head free. XOXO Suzzy
i was so dark can i use st dalfour whitening cream to lighten my skin
i was so dark can i use st dalfour whitening cream to lighten my skin
Hi Monica For best results you can use the whitening cream & also the whitening soap. If you have any questions, please call me 917-73-8564 Thanks! Suzzy
Hello Suzzy,I am very interested in buying your st Dalfour Cream. I have just finished a jar of Excel cream from a retailer in Vietnam at $65 ( I don't know why it was so expensive). There was no side effects apart from my nose got much more oily than before though my skin type is normal. The retailer suggested changing to the St Dalfour Original cream for less oily texture. But I kind of prefer the EXCEL cream for a faster result cause i used for underarms and dark spots created by mosquitoes
which types of St Dalfour cream would you recommend for my skin type and fading the dark spots > and how long does it take to deliver in vietnam ? Thanks a lot!!
Hi Cloe, Delivery to Vietnam is 2 to 4 weeks by International Post. I recommend you try the Steamed Cream or the Non-Oily, you can use that on your face and the Excel on the underarms & dark spots. Also, we can talk on Skype if you want :) Thanks! Suzzy
Hey Suzzy, I am interested in the St. Dalfour cream and cleanser but I am not sure which one to purchase. My skin type is Oily. I am african american but i have a medium caramel complexion. I have acne scarring ( small crater type) and hyper-pigmentation from from years of acne. Recently i tried Dr. Kligmans cream and it has lightened up most of the dark spots and it seems to control my break-outs for the most part, but i still get black heads from the cream. I wanted something that was ma
Hi Teisha You should be using the Kojic Acid/Glutathione dual soap with the St Dalfour steamed cream. It will help reduce and eliminate blackheads, improve your old scars and give you a great glow to your skin. Call me if you can 917-733-8564 Thanks Suzzy
Hi Suzzy, I'm using St. Dalfour cream Exel with Authentic Diana Stalder Papaya Kojic Whitening Bar 120g about 5 weeks, the result is fine then I went for a facial, with extraction some white head old pimples (stay on my face for years); now my skin has some new red scars so should I continue using the two above products or I should change to the St. Dalfour steamed cream with St. Dalfour gold soap for better lightening back my scars. Please advise... Also I thinking about Authentic Mosbeau Plac
Hi Shirley, you can use the steamed cream for sure, but I would try the dual whitening Kojiv/glutathione soap. Amazing results and you will never get any new black or whiteheads. The Mosbeau Advanced is really great, we have so many happy users, if you want to try it call me I will give you a coupon for discount :) Suzzy
Using st daflour since last 1 and half months but no result.No difference
Hi Ragin, can you tell me more details? Which product and what you are using it for? How you appy it? Thanks! You can call me if you like 917-653-3856 Suzzy
Hi Suzzy, I purchased the St. Dalfour whitening cream original from Amazon and your card was inside my order so this is why I am writing to you :) I have only been using it about three days and what I am looking for is the radiant pinkish white glow to the skin that I have read about in the description. So far, my skin is fairer but I do not have this glow. Does it take a few weeks to obtain this? And my second questions is when I use the product at night and do not use any other product wit
Didn't realize my last sentence got cut off. Sorry. I meant to finish with: when I use the product at night and no other products, can I then use my other products in the morning? Thank you.
Hi Denise It definitely takes some time to see the glow, but it will come. You should also be using a glutathione & kojic soap since it works in concert with the Dalfour Cream. Regarding your other products, there should be no problem using them in the morning. Just watch out for skin irritation or sensitivity. Thanks Suzzy
Hi I have used st dalfour excel for 2 months and it works well on my face.. I'm very happy with this product but today I read a message that this product is banned by FDA because of Mercury... I'm very worried about that because I introduced this cream to my friends and my family as explained that those are from China but when I read the information from FDA website, they didnt mention that those product were from ChinA... They just reported that not using Dalfour cream... You know
Hi I have used st dalfour excel for 2 months and it works well on my face.. I'm very happy with this product but today I read a message that this product is banned by FDA because of Mercury... I'm very worried about that because I introduced this cream to my friends and my family as explained that those are from China but when I read the information from FDA website, they didnt mention that those product were from ChinA... They just reported that not using Dalfour cream... You know
Hi I have used st dalfour excel for 2 months and it works well on my face.. I'm very happy with this product but today I read a message that this product is banned by FDA because of Mercury... I'm very worried about that because I introduced this cream to my friends and my family as explained that those are from China but when I read the information from FDA website, they didnt mention that those product were from ChinA... They just reported that not using Dalfour cream... You know
Hi Natalie I'm afraid you are the victim of bad information. First St Dalfour Beauty Whitening Cream is not banned by the FDA. Second, the creams that we sell are tested for Mercury and are well below the safety limits of the FDA. Here is a link to the lab test: Our clients health is always our first priority. Suzzy
About st dalfour whitining cream, i ve been using for more than 5 months. just i got to know that its not been used for long time, if i use continuously what will happen?.. if i can't use so what is the best crean that i can for day time use to maintain the same skin texture. thx
wil it get rid of red acne spots?i have been using it for 3 improvements...only 10 days left for my wedding..should i apply it in the morning as well?
wil it get rid of red acne spots?i have been using it for 3 improvements...only 10 days left for my wedding..should i apply it in the morning as well?
Hi Rini, The St Dalfour will lighten dark acne scars(post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation), but red scars usually are more a sign of irritation, not so much pigmentation, so you may want to try this: 1. Place a cold compress on the irritated area. This will help to reduce swelling and alleviate pain. Irritated skin is usually warm to the touch so the coolness will help to soothe the area. 2. Apply hydrocortisone cream to the area. Hydrocortisone cream will help to calm irritated skin and redu
Hi suzzy well I want 2 ask tat my skin hav becum so sensitive n ittchy ,irritated... Well can I use renew papaya soap and st.dalfour cream... Help!!!
Hi suzzy well I want 2 ask tat my skin hav becum so sensitive n ittchy ,irritated aftr i colored mah hair n i dun knoe wht to do... can I use renew papaya soap and st.dalfour cream... plz Help!!! :-(
Hi suzzy well I want 2 ask tat my skin hav becum so sensitive n ittchy ,irritated aftr i colored mah hair n i dun knoe wht to do... can I use renew papaya soap and st.dalfour cream... plz Help!!!
Hi suzzy well I want 2 ask tat my skin hav becum so sensitive n ittchy ,irritated aftr i colored mah hair n i dun knoe wht to do... can I use renew papaya soap and st.dalfour cream... plz Help!!!
i colored mah hair n aftr tat only mah skin hav become so sensitive itchhy n irritates... plz help me....
Hi Ravjeer, you are allergic or sensitive to something in the hair color. Make sure you wash it well to remove any trace chemicals. Don't use anything on your skin until the irritation is gone. Unless the irritation gets worse, you may need a gentle cream that has anti-inflammation ingredients like the Mosbeau. Please let me know! Thanks! Suzzy
Thnx 4 replying soon suzzy... So plz let me know wch cream is gud for ittchy irritated red skin n m 4rm india... N I want 2 get permanent rid of this... M fed up of this allergy... :-( plz help
Rajveer, you can try a hydrocortisone cream, you can buy it in India, no need to order from us. After it is cleared up we can help with the discoloration if you have that, you can use the St Dalfour Pinkish Cream. Thanks Suzzy
Hi Ravjeer, you are allergic or sensitive to something in the hair color. Make sure you wash it well to remove any trace chemicals. Don't use anything on your skin until the irritation is gone. Unless the irritation gets worse, you may need a gentle cream that has anti-inflammation ingredients like the Mosbeau. Please let me know! Thanks! Suzzy
M allergic to tat hair color and mah face has also becom so sensitive... :-(
Hi suzzy well mah skin is relaxed now can I use renew papaya soap n st. Dalfour skin whitening cream... B'coz I aked to tat indian seller he said tat he has only st.dalfour skin whitening n mah skin color is medium (slightly upper than wheatish) n I jst want get fair ... N wht bout ur opinion on renew papaya soap as well??? Thnx
hi 1 more question tat, is thr any way to remove all color chemical from mah scalp permanently i mean so tat it'll stop mah allergy?????? help
Hi Rajveer, Please call me on skype so we can discuss this. Thanks Suzzy
Hi suzzy! I am planning to order some of ur products again but this time I want to try ur skin treatment system. Which one is best for my skin? I have oily skin and prone to acne I have few areas of acne scars that I want to get rid off specially around my jaw. I want to know what soap that u would recommend. I tried the combination of kojic and glutathione soap its amazing soap. It peels my skin but it makes dry my skin in my body everytime I use it. Ur advice and recommendation s very apprecia
Hi Chinky Great question! Actually my husband has the same problem with the Kojic & Gluta soap, but since it makes his skin look so great, he still uses it on his face, neck & hands but not on his body. For your acne & acne scars, you can try the Diana Stalder Acne Treatment Set, it is whitening & will help with your acne scars & to clear your skin for future braekouts. Also, you could try the Mosbeau mild peeling gel, mosbeau toner and the Glutawhite soap, that is more expensive than the Di
Hi suzzy i bought st dalfour excel cream its my firstday of use serms to little oily..soap which iam using is kojic acid/topgel bleavhing soap and renew placenta whitening lotion for body, my complexion is above medium asiAn skin residing in dubai.Now my issue is my neck and full arms colourare little on a dull side as it started from pregnancy dr.says psrt of hormonal change will be ok after sometime now its 8long yrs yried so many creams, oilsbut not much result to mske me happy.pls guide if t
Hi suzzy got disconnected as cont.... to my query pls guide if the soap/creams/lotions i mentionef above will help or do i need to change?this decolouration really itritates me...pls help....can i wear dalfour cream when im going to office
Hi Beena, There are different versions of the St Dalfour cream, you can try the Pinkish, it is the most moisturizing and it helps rejuvenate skin. You can use that with the Premium Maximum Whitening Soap, it will help your dull skin look fresh & bright. If you need a nice lotion, we have a matte finish lotion with sunblock, my clients really love it. Here is the link:
how we know oily and non oily cream of dalfour? is it mentioned on the bottle? my skin is dry so i want oily,,,,,,pls help me.....
Hi Rija It is hard to tell from the bottle. You can read my article that explains the different types of St Dalfour: Thanks Suzzy
hi! I am a Filipina with oily skin and i am very much interested with St. Dalfour Cream but I do not have the complete idea of what it is and how it works, i just heard abiut it from a friend and i want to try the product. what are the other products for St. Dalfour other than the cream and where can i buy that if i am currently residing in Macau...Thank you...Please send me complete facts on my email..Would really appreciate it.. Thank you
Hi Angeli Kumasta po, I am Filipina too. Sorry for the delayed reply, we were out of power because of the hurricane Sandy here in US. The St Dalfour cream whitens the skin using 2 botanical ingredientys from seaweed & bearberry plant extract. It is safe & effective for acne scars, age spots, melasma & overall lightening. We also have soap, lotion & sunblock. I would be happy to talk to you by skype or voxer if you want. Thanks Suzzy
Hi! I have been using St. Dalfour cream since 2009 but i cannot even tell which because i just ordered it from a friend and it doesn't say in the bottle what kind of cream they were. Then i started to order from ebay and the most recent purchase was i think excel. My face has lightened up a bit but the old acne scars are still there but i apply the cream mostly in the morning, like a foundation. Then i apply baby powder on my face because it becomes so oily. What is the best cream and soap s
Hi suzzy, i am glad i found this site i would like to lighten my skin a bit i am african but have like a caramel color which of the st dalfour cream and soap do you recommend cos i saw differnt ones *gold seal* wanna know the differnce ps i have an oily skin pls i need ur help fasttttttt
Hi Marilyn How are you? All of the St Dalfour creams are effective, they use the same whitening ingredient, but for oily skin you should choose the steam cream, it is light on the skin and not oily. The soap that I use everyday is the Dual Whitening with Kojic Acid & Glutathione, but I also really like the Maximum Whitening & Peeling soap. Thanks & let me know if you have any other questions. Suzzy
Hi Tess, My favorite soap for acne scars is Maximum Whitening & Peeling soap. For the St Dalfour cream, I would also apply it at night after cleansing and massage it in to the old scars. Thanks! Suzzy
can i get this cream in bahrain... and also can i use daily how many months i should use. please reply me
can i get this cream in bahrain... and also can i use daily how many months i should use. please reply me
Hi Preethi Yes, we can ship your cream to Bahrain. We recommend that you use for 2 months and then take a break for 1 month. After that you can treat again if you need it. During the rest time you can use it once or twice a week for maintenance. Thanks Suzzy
Hi Suzzy, I just want to know if it is possible to use St. dalfar cream for acne face???? pls reply me. Thanks
Hi Niroshani The cream is effective for treating acne scars, but if you are still having breakouts, you should treat the acne first. I recommend using one of our whitening and exfoliating soaps, and also the whitening toner. That will treat the acne & begin to clear the scars. Once the acne subsides you can begin using the St Dalfour cream. I recommend the Steamed Cream. Thanks Suzzy
Dalflour cream will give any side effect? Can yo give me any bill for the purchase
Hi Priya Some people can have mild side effects like some itching or dryness. Please try it on a small area to make sure it is ok for your skin. Thanks Suzzy
Asma manzil
Hi, would like to know how do I wash off the cream in the morning ?
Hi Asma You should not need to wash off the cream in the morning, it should already be absorbed. You should only use a small amount. Suzzy
Hi suzzy, i bought st dalfour originalwhitninig cream with gold seal from sri lanka.Since there is no proper information on the bottle I’am really worried of using this product,according to the given info it says fillipino. Can you kindly advise me on below my questions 1/ How long I have to use this cream to get result ? 2/ Can I stop using this cream once I get the fair skin? 3/ If I stop using the cream what will happen to the fair skin 4/ The smell of this product is wa
Hi Menaka It is not only for Filipina, it is a light creamy version of the cream that is suitable for typical Asian skin. If you are south Asian, it should be a good match. You will see results gradually improve from 2 to 8 weeks. When you stop using the cream your skin gradually return to its original tone. Thanks Suzzy
Hi suzzy, i bought st dalfour originalwhitninig cream with gold seal from sri lanka.Since there is no proper information on the bottle I’am really worried of using this product,according to the given info it says fillipino. Can you kindly advise me on below my questions 1/ How long I have to use this cream to get result ? 2/ Can I stop using this cream once I get the fair skin? 3/ If I stop using the cream what will happen to the fair skin 4/ The smell of this product is wa
Dear Friends, There are many Fake products in St Dalfour in Market. beware of fake products, it will give you wrong result. You can identify fake or original when you see Bottle of Cream. In That bottle Top & Side same Logo Like Philipina Beauty , That Only Original, Fake is Top Philipina beauty & side of Jar Logo is 'M" That is fake. So If some one try Original cream Please reply to [email protected]. It will give very fast result with in 10 days. I can offer you Good price retail & Wholesal
I am using st dalfour whitening cream i hv achieved faorness in my face but i hv gt acne in my forhead fully, pls gv me a solution for this..
Hi Shafa You can stop using the cream for a while until the acne clears up. Also, you can use a whitening soap with Kojic Acid, that will help prevent breakouts too, it is a good match to the cream. You should wash your face with warm water, then use ice or cold water to close your pores before applying the cream. That will help prevent acne too. Lastly, if you get breakouts periodically, you should use a whitening toner, it reduces inflammation and prevents skin damage & scarring from acne.
Hi ate suzzy! Im a filipina prtcularly "boholana" i want to ask if how will i know what my skin type is?what's your skype add?salamat! Happy holidays..
Hi ate suzzy! Im a filipina prtcularly "boholana" i want to ask if how will i know what my skin type is?what's your skype add?salamat! Happy holidays..
Hi Ghelai Boholana girls have nice skin, not too oily, sometimes a little dark. Do you have acne, dark spots, open pores? Let me know sis. Happy holidays to you too :) Thanks Suzzy
i would like to purchase this product. plz suggest from where i should buy
Hi Akanksha You can buy it on our website. Thanks Suzzy
I have a sensitive oily skin. I have acne, pimples and acne scars on my face. Can I use this cream to lighten the scars? I heard that there are fake products available in the market. How can I recognize the original cream? Can I use this cream is south Asia?
I have a sensitive oily skin. I have acne, pimples and acne scars on my face. Can I use this cream to lighten the scars? I heard that there are fake products available in the market. How can I recognize the original cream? Can I use this cream is south Asia?
Hi Aprilya You can use this cream for acne scars but you should treat the acne & inflammation first. Thanks Suzzy
Hi Aprilya Our products are all original sis. Suzzy
Zhera a filipina and im really interested in this product. i have a damaged skin due to pimples and it left scars all over my face. could you recommend a variant that is suitable for my skin?
nancy garcia
Hi,I have a question.I have melasma and cureently using obagi nuderm.I want to know if ur gluta blend extra strength soap would be good to treat my spots and if it's ok to use with obagi..Thank you...Hope u can help me find the right soap because obagi is pretty pricey
Susana B Boleche
Hi Nancy, The Glutablend extra strength is great for spots & acne scars. You can use it with the Obagi, there is no conflict. You can also consider the Glutablend Maximum it has Arbutin which will speed the clearing process, again it can be used with the Obagi Nuderm. Thanks Suzzy
Hi Ms. Suzzy. How are you?I'm very much interested to your product coz my tita from U.S used st. Dalfour and she told me to try your product. My concern is I want to have glow skin, my skin type is normal to oily skin. I'm planning to use IV gluthation but I'm still nursing my baby so I'm wondering why not to try a cream that has the same effect of IV gluta and make your face tighten.please help me to choose a good cream that is suitable on my skin type. One more thing I have dark spot under my eye and 2 acne scar.:-) Thank you. Have a nice day.
Hi Ms. Suzzy. How are you?I'm very much interested to your product coz my tita from U.S used st. Dalfour and she told me to try your product. My concern is I want to have glow skin, my skin type is normal to oily skin. I'm planning to use IV gluthation but I'm still nursing my baby so I'm wondering why not to try a cream that has the same effect of IV gluta and make your face tighten.please help me to choose a good cream that is suitable on my skin type. One more thing I have dark spot under my eye and 2 acne scar.:-) Thank you. Have a nice day.
Slizzy Morane
Hey can i use any of the sunscreen while using St dalfour??
hey suzzy...can i use gluthathione soap with st dalfour derma kler cream?
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Heeta, We dont sell St Dalfour Derma Kler Cream so we're not sure if the contents/ingredients will work good if partnered with glutathione soap. We recommend you check first with your supplier so as to make sure of the results. Thanks
Hello dear i would like to ask you about st dalfour steam cream can be used under eye ??
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi FatemH! Yes you can apply it on the whole face including under eye. Just make sure it won't touch the inner eye to avoid irritation. Thank you!
ankita mishra
Thanks whitening cream safe to use for long term..or should i stop after how many months...and after how many weeks o i would the fair result by applying st daflour steamed cream..last question which one should i buy st daflour or amira ...pls reply fast
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Ankita :) Cream like Dalfour Beauty Steamed Cream is to be applied in the evenings and switch to a once a week use once desired whitening has been achieved. Results vary depending on the skin. There are some clients who can see the difference in as early as 2 weeks while others longer.
Hi..can Dalfour Beauty Gold Foil Glutathione Whitening Soap treat melesma as im only using the St Dalfour whitening cream.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi, Nafla! Yes, all Dalfour Beauty products can help reduce the appearance of dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions.
Hi. What is the best dalfour cream product should I use? I am 26 but my face looks old because of wrinkles,whiteheads in my nose area,acne marks and blemishes. What are the other products should i combine to a dalfour cream? I want a smooth whiter and glowing face.thank you. More power!
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Angela, thanks for your inquiry. We recommend you use Dalfour Beauty Pinkish Cream. This variant will provide proper moisturization and can also reduce the appearance of dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions. You can use it along with Relumins Advance Whitening Soap, Toner and Serum. These products not only whiten the skin but also has TA Stemcell formula that helps in anti-aging proces, skin repair and skin rejuvenation. You can browse our website to get more details about the mentioned products, feel free to contact us again if you have further inquiries. You can also send us a message on facebook. Happy weekend!
How about the dalfour excel? What's the difference?let me know so I can buy what's best fir my skin. I want to renew my skin. Thanks a lot!
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Angela :) Dalfour Beauty Excel Cream is a maximum strength formula, its good for skin that has already used other products and is not suited for sensitive skin. You can also refer to this link for the complete description of each variant
Hi Sunny...I'm Khanagah from Malaysia. I'm an Indian girl.And I too want to have a clear, white and a flawless skin.As I'm a bit dark or brownish in skin tone,can I too obtain a fair and white skin complexion like other girls out there.Thank you.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Khanagah, thank you for your message. Regarding your question, yes even if you have a bit dark/brownish complexion you too can obtain a whiter/lighter complexion. Though it may take longer compared to other people, with continued use you should achieve your goal. The best combination is injectable glutathione and oral glutathione capsules and dont forget to use sunblock or skincare products with SPF like cream and lotion. We would be happy to assist you more on what products to use, feel free to conatct us [email protected] Thanks :)
What if I discontinue applying st dalfour whitening cream??? Is there any side effect?? Plz suggest
Hi i bought this cream but its' logo is different its logo is @ letter is that real or original cream i searched every sites but i couldn't find that logo please answer me
Liezel Ratunil
hi suzzy, do you have a st.dalfour dermakler cream?
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Liezel, we don't have St Dalfour Dermakler. What we have is Dalfour Beauty. If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance.
Is it safe while nursing?
I'm nursing n considering using st dalfour Is it safe for me!
Hi. . I used St. Dalfaur for yrs n achieved a clear flawless n glowing skin.. but after I came back from a trip to hill statin.. my skin turned darker than original colour n black patches all over my face. . My lips turned black n I got dark spots all over again ... then I discontinued using dalfer. So if I wanna use it again. . Will I face the same problem after getting a fairer skin.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Anne! We're not pretty sure what happened after your trip that you had that problem. However, Dalfour doesn't contain SPF so it is not recommended for day use but if you do, you need to put sunblock on top of it. If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance. After achieving the desired result, you an use it once or twice in a week for maintenance and make sure not to forget your sun protection.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Anne! We think that is a Melasma. It typically appears on the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin of women 20-50 years of age. Most people with melasma have a history of daily or intermittent sun exposure, although heat is also suspected to be an underlying factor. If you are going to use it Again it can help to lighten your skin again Reminder its for night application only. Please use a Cream that has higher SPF. Treatment requires regular sunscreen application, medications such as 4% hydroquinone and other fading creams.
Thank u for ur replies.. Can u suggest me a gud sun block which can be used with dalfour. . And can I use dalfour cream on my upper lip since its dark in colour. ?
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Anne! Dalfour cream is for the face application only. You can try this Dalfour Beauty Glutathione Whitening Sunblock Cream SPF50+ SPF90 Cream is Labeled as SPF50+ to comply with FDA requirements, Helps lighten and soften skin, For Face & Body. Kindly check here to our Dalfour products.
Hi Suzzy, I'm from Sri Lanka and like to purchase dalfour cream. I have a combination skin and have whiteheads and blackheads. Most of the creams I used caused my skin to get more oily or dry. I can see that there are different types of creams and what is the best type for my skin? Is it a must to use the soap along with the cream?
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi, Kumudu! You can use Dalfour Beauty Skin Whitening Cream Non Oily Filipina and Relumins Glycolic Max soap to lessen your Oily and whitens your skin. You can place your order online and we'll send it to you there via post/express. If you need assistance, you can also contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948 Thanks
Hi, I would like to buy St.dalfour cream and now am having acne and dark spots...I would like to recover from that and get even from India I need a best cream which suits me...plz reply
Hi, I would like to buy St.dalfour cream and now am having acne and dark spots...I would like to recover from that and get even from India I need a best cream which suits me...plz reply
I ordered a st dalfour from ebay,when i open it some oil has leacked to outside n there is a oil in side the bottle top of the cream.that oil is little bit bad smell.any one can say is it normal or any fake product.because im using this first time.thanks
Ayme Suralta
Hi!I just want to ask this I used dalfour beauty cream and I'm nursing it is safe for my baby?
Ayme Suralta
Hi!I just want to ask this I used dalfour beauty cream and I'm nursing it is safe for my baby?
MD Rameez Raza
Suzzy can u plzz suggest me one cream I have oily skin little bit dark and pimples dark spot I want fair skin and I m living in Bangalore plzzz reply me as soon as possible
Hi, I have almost perfect skin. But recently I get more and more dark patch skin under my check bone. I don't want to lightening the whole face. I just want to get rid of this dark patch skin caused by the sun. Can I use this product to ease it? Which one should I use? Thanks Destiny
Hi, I have almost perfect skin. But recently I get more and more dark patch skin under my check bone. I don't want to lightening the whole face. I just want to get rid of this dark patch skin caused by the sun. Can I use this product to ease it? Which one should I use? Thanks Destiny
St.Dalfour cream is contained with a muucury (Hg) ??
May ijust ask if st.dalfour cream is safe to use by pregnant women like me?
Hi can I use dalfour cream on my underarms? Thanks
what will happen if i use it once and stop, will my skin be the same way it is or will be worse
Hi.I really want to know whether St.Dalfou France, beauty whitening cream contains any animals fats?
Hi.I really want to know whether St.Dalfour France, beauty whitening cream contains any animals fats?
Hi,I had ordered for st.dalfour whitening excel cream and for glutathione original whitening soap,my skin is medium complexion, will I get fair skin after using this two products, is there any side effects and how long should I use it
Hi. which is the best variety of S.t dalfour cream my skin is fair and oily
Hi. which is the best variety of S.t dalfour cream my skin is fair and oily
Hi, i just want to ask if st. Dalfour contains mercury? Because i ordered the cream and just recieved the package today. But i read that st. Dalfozr is not safe to use because it has mercury.
Hi, I'd like to try this product to fade and lighten sun spots and melasma from pregnancy but i am still nursing. Is this considered safe to use while nursing? I checked through all of your comments but didn't see a reply to this question. I'd greatly appreciate it. Thx!
Jeeh Faustman
Hi, It's proven safe and effective with no bad side effects.For the skincare products (soap, lotion, creams etc) yes, as long as for external application. It has pure natural ingredients.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Nivya, you must treat first the active acne pimples using Relumins Acne clear set it can help to fight acne at its source for long-lasting acne free skin! The set is also designed to reduce scarring and dark spots for naturally clear, healthy-looking skin. , then use Dalfour Beauty cream for your the dark spot and acne marks. Dalfour Beauty Cream is depend on your skin type. Here's the link on said products:
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Ayme Suralta, Yes its proven safe and effective with no bad side effect. since it can be use for external only and it has natural ingredients.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi MD Rameez Raza, you can treat first your active pimples using Relumins Acne clear set it can help to fight acne at its source for long-lasting acne free skin! The set is also designed to reduce scarring and dark spots for naturally clear, healthy-looking skin,then use Dalfour Beauty Cream Filipina logo suited for oily skin, Dalfour Beauty cream effective for lightening and can reduce the appearances of the wrinkles, dark spots, acne marks, scars, melasma and freckles. For further inquiries, kindly contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Destiny, you can try Dalfour Beauty cream effective for lightening and can reduce the appearances of the wrinkles, dark spots, acne marks, scars, melasma and freckles. Dalfour has a variants for different skin types.Here's the link: For further inquiries, kindly contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi rash, yes that's true for the counterfeits circulating in the market. Here, we only sell authentic products, no mercury or any harmful chemicals. And we are an official distributor of Dalfour from kuwait, certificate of analysis available. You can also refer to this link for our appointment:
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Michille,yes its proven safe and effective with no bad side effect, since its for external use only and its has natural ingredients.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi maan, yes it can be use also in underarm and other target area, it can help to whiten.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Iresha, it will back to your natural skin. It has no bad side effect.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Ameen, Dalfour Beauty products it has no animal fats here's the active ingredients: Mineral Oil, Aqua, Steric Acid, Glycerin, Fragrance, Bensoate, Bearberry Extract, Vitamin E, Organic Milk, Glutathione, Shea Butter, Rose Cream
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Rajani, it proven safe and effective with no side effect, results vary depending on the skin type and absorption of your body in the formula. Some clients can see noticeable glow in as early as 2 weeks,others longer.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi sachin, suited for oily skin is Dalfour Beauty Cream Filipina logo (oily). Here's the link:
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Ailene, yes thats true for the counterfeits circulating in the market dear. Here, we only sell authentic products, no mercury or any harmful chemicals. And we are an official distributor of Dalfour from kuwait, certificate of analysis available. You can also refer to this link for our appointment:
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi shahnia, if you already achieve your desire skin, you can discontinued to use, it has no bad side effect when you can stop using dalfour.
Hi... I'm Sunaina from India... Am having dark wheatish skin colour... And my skin type is Combination Skin... I wanna know that which products can make me get fair skin... Please Do Reply... And I really need a good advice...
Hi... I'm Sunaina from India... Am having dark wheatish skin colour... And my skin type is Combination Skin... I wanna know that which products can make me get fair skin... Please Do Reply... And I really need a good advice...
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Sunaina, What approach you want? best combination for skin whitening is Glutathione IV and Oral capsules along with skincare products that has SPF. For further inquiries/recommendation/quotation please email us @ [email protected] or send us a message @ +1 917-831-5948 Thank you.
Hi..I m from India. My complexion is wheatish . My skin is combination with light acne marks and pigmentation. Plz suggest me which whitening creamed to whiten my complexion.plz reply asap ..because I have to order this cream.
I want to know which dalfour cream helps to mAke my skin white And flawless and at the same time .. my pigmentation and brown spots will go. Plz suggest me so that I can order asap.I have combination and sometimes dry skin.
Hi... and for my body also .. want to know about full body whitening soap ,cream or lotion .I got brownish body.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Neha! If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance. You can use Dalfour Beauty Excel Light & Creamy variant and use it along w/ Dalfour Beauty Ultrawhite Soap (can be used for both face and body). Btw Dalfour Cream has no spf so it is recommended for evening application. During the day, you can use Dalfour Beauty Sunblock. For the body, you can use Relumins All In One Day Lotion or Relumins Herbal Body Lotion, they both have SPF. Pls browse thru our website for more information about the products mentioned and for further inquiries, kindly contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948
Hi. I have a white heads, black heads and also a small pimples. I'm using a ponds but I want to try dalfour but If I use it. It have a side effect?if I use ponds (face wash) and dalfour?
Hi..I want to use dalfour cream but I m not sure which cream to order as u have so many dalfour whitening creams .plz suggest me which cream should I order for whitening..I m from North India. .wheatish complexion and normal skin with light brown spots.plz reply
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Jam! We have some clients who use Ponds Facial Wash and Dalfour Beauty Cream and we have not received any report of side effect yet but you need to observe since people have different skin types. If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance. But if you have active pimples, we dont recommend using the cream yet. Dalfour Beauty contains mineral oil, which can lead to acne breakouts for some people.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Bits! If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance. For normal skin, you can use Dalfour Excel Maximum Strength or Dalfour Beauty Excel Light & Creamy variant. There are different variants to suit different skin types, you can refer to this link to know more For further inquiries, kindly contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948
Hi.. please reply and tell me which cream suits best for Asian skin type
Hi.. please reply and tell me which cream suits best for Asian skin type
I want white flawless complexion without any side effects .. and which is ur mildest cream out of six categories as I know excel is the strongest whitening cream u have
I want white flawless complexion without any side effects .. and which is ur mildest cream out of six categories as I know excel is the strongest whitening cream u have
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Bits! If you have dark spots, melasma, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, or other skin conditions, Dalfour Beauty can help you reduce their appearance. NIGHT CREAMS • Steamed - oily, acne prone or sensitive skin • Filipina - oily skin • Excel Max Strength - for skin that has already used other prods. • Excel Light - better for dry, damaged or sensitive skin. • Pinkish - for dry damaged skin • Red M - for healthy, fairly well moisturized skin. Undamaged skin that needs lightening or whitening. DAY CREAM • Glutathione Sunblock (SPF 90) - suited for all skin types Pls browse thru our website for more information about the products mentioned and for further inquiries, kindly contact our US Office. E-mail : [email protected] Contact# : +1 917-831-5948
Hi again. I'm 17 years old turning 18. It's okay if I use dalfour? You told me if the pimple is active dont use dalfour 'cause some people breakout their skin. Well my skin is not. I have a pekas, black heads, white heads and some of the time I have a pimple. Please reply asap. I want all my questions have a answer before I buy the dalfour. Thankyou.
Hi again. I'm 17 years old turning 18. It's okay if I use dalfour? You told me if the pimple is active dont use dalfour 'cause some people breakout their skin. Well my skin is not. I have a pekas, black heads, white heads and some of the time I have a pimple. Please reply asap. I want all my questions have a answer before I buy the dalfour. Thankyou.
Hi again. I'm 17 years old turning 18. It's okay if I use dalfour? You told me if the pimple is active dont use dalfour 'cause some people breakout their skin. Well my skin is not. I have a pekas, black heads, white heads and some of the time I have a pimple. Please reply asap. I want all my questions have a answer before I buy the dalfour. Thankyou.
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Jam! Ou products are recommended for 18 years old and above. You can also contact us @ 0917 855 3227 / (viber) 0998 539 8117 (Mon-Sat 9AM-6PM), or PM us for assistance.
Hi. The daldour allowed to stock in the ref? please answer asap?
Flawless Beauty and Skin PH
Hi Jam! We don't recommend it being kept in the fridge as temperature will change everytime you put it there and take it out to be used. Just keep it at room temperature.
i want to know abut colour of original dalfour cream. witch colouris that? plz sent me the answer to my mail address
I used dalfour but my small pimple is not already gone.What to do? it is allow to use every morning?Please reply asap.
I used dalfour but my small pimple is not already gone.What to do? it is allow to use every morning?Please reply asap.
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Hi,I used dalfour cream for many yrs. shows better results , but nw i opened new bottle it give irritation and dryness in upper and lower part of lips.nw i continue or discontinue.pls reply me.
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